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Rencontrez odoo sa

@ , 22 février 2023, 12:00 - 18:00

Quel niveau d'éducation est recherché par cette entreprise?
  • Bachelier académique
  • Master académique
Quels sont les programmes qui intéressent cette entreprise?
  • Informatique
Quels sont les langues que le candidat doit maîtriser?

Les candidats potentiels doivent matcher une des exigences listées.

  • Français
  • Anglais
  • Bilingue Français/Anglais
Cette entreprise offre-t-elle des stages ?


Visitez leur site web: https://www.odoo.com/

What ? 

This management software consists of an impressive suite of business applications, such as Sales, Accounting, Inventory, HR, Project, CRM, eCommerce, and so much more. All these applications are integrated with one another.
Odoo strives to be one of the top Open-Source contributors in the world. One of our core beliefs is that knowledge should be free for all. We also think that making code available to the masses is awesome, and working with communities is immensely instructive.


Odoo strives to be one of the top Open-Source contributors in the world. One of our core beliefs is that knowledge should be free for all. We also think that making code available to the masses is awesome, and working with communities is immensely instructive. (Open-Source software development is a peer production, where products (such as source code, blueprints, and documentation) are freely available to the public.)

Why Do We Do Odoo?

Companies are inefficient by nature. Employees struggle with repetitive tasks, overloaded mailboxes, and administrative duties that could’ve (and should’ve) been automated years ago. Accessing information and manually inputting data like this is a major waste of time. Imagine a carpenter without his tools. That would make him the worst carpenter in the world, right? In no time at all, the carpenter would grow increasingly frustrated by his inability to perform his duties in an efficient manner. This frustration would force him to eventually hate his job. But can you blame him? Without the right tools, it was impossible for him to get things done. Similarly, you may be surprised to learn that most SMEs don’t have the right tools for their employees. 

Oftentimes, it’s not because they don’t want them, it’s because they can’t afford them. Or, in some instances, it’s because they don’t even know they exist. These people simply learn to live with their issues. Or, even worse, they don’t even see them as issues as time goes on. This inefficient method of management has a cost: depression at work reaching sky-high levels.