The Faculty of Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles has eight departments: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology of organisms, molecular biology, informatics, Brussels School of Bioengineering, geosciences-environmental-society. It also includes a department for the dissemination of ULB sciences.
Researchers associated with the Faculty of Sciences have received numerous awards, reflecting a long tradition of excellence. These include two Nobel Prizes (François Englert, physics, 2013, and Ilya Prigogine, chemistry, 1977), a Fields Medal (Pierre Deligne, mathematics, 1978), 14 Francqui Prizes, 3 Wolf Prizes, and many others...
In summary, the Faculty of Science is:
The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Université Libre de Bruxelles is involved in education and research in the fields of biomedicine and pharmaceutical sciences.
In summary, the Faculty of Pharmacy is:
The Faculty of Medecine of the Université Libre de Bruxelles is involved in education and research in the fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, dental sciences and biomedical sciences.
In summary, the Faculty of Medecine is:
The Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel has 7 departments: bioengineering, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography, mathematics and physics. Although the VUB is a relatively young university, the quality of its education and research has already produced alumni who have made major contributions to science. Alumni from the Faculty of Science and Bioengineering include:
In summary, the Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences is:
Photo: VUB